giovedì 4 agosto 2016

Varie di ogg, Giovedì 04 Agosto 2016

04/08/2016, ore 11.01, da 

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Borse, per il 55% degli operatori sarà rialzo nei prossimi 6 mesi. Con le banche in ripresa

Borse, per il 55% degli operatori sarà rialzo nei prossimi 6 mesi. Con le banche in ripresa

Superato prima lo shock del Brexit e poi le turbolenze legate agli stress test i listini potranno ritrovare slancio dopo che i primi sette mesi del 2016 sono stati archiviati con una correzione del 30%. E secondo il 62% degli esperti il comparto bancario inizierà a contribuire positivamenteLondra, economia verso la recessione
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“L’ “A m o r e” che le persone mi stimolano e suscitano per loro, aumenta ogni istante sempre più, uh:...”

L’ “A m o r e” che le persone mi stimolano e suscitano per loro, aumenta ogni istante sempre più, uh: “ti” dicono “Fatti i “cazzi” tuoi o ti stacco la testa!“, con astio, veemenza, rabbia cospicua...

L’ “A m o r e” che le persone mi stimolano e suscitano per loro, aumenta ogni istante sempre più, uh: “ti” dicono “Fatti i “cazzi” tuoi o ti stacco la testa!“, con astio, veemenza, rabbia cospicua … Però a te, P****…, guardano ben dentro il culo fino al midollo ed oltre! Come e quanto vorrei vomitare addosso a costoro! P u h. Ps: e mi sono alzato bene oggi, GIURO! Ps del ps: che poi il "bello”, sì, come no, è che pur guardando dentro capiscono il merdoso “cazzo” che vogliono e possono capire …
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Avvio in rialzo nel giorno della BoE, +0,8% Milano spinta dalle banche

Avvio in rialzo nel giorno della BoE, +0,8% Milano spinta dalle banche

Gli investitori attendono la mossa della Banca d'Inghilterra che dovrà decidere se tagliare i tassi d’interesse. A Piazza Affari corrono le banche, bene Unicredit. Continuano a correre le Fca dopo la volata di ieri. In rialzo anche Tenaris, nonostante la semestrale in forte calo
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Dove vivono i più ricchi d’Italia? La classifica dei Comuni @24infodata

Dove vivono i più ricchi d’Italia? La classifica dei Comuni - Info Data

I più ricchi d’Italia (almeno per il fisco) quest’anno si godono il panorama del Golfo del Tigullio. È Portofino il Comune in cui nel 2014 è stato dichiarato il reddito più alto: 51.403 euro di imponibile medio, per ciascuno dei 336 contribuenti censiti dalle Finanze. Cade così il primato di Basiglio, piccolo centro alle porte …
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Nardò, il sindaco fasciocomunista che lotta contro i caporali: “Aiuto i migranti in coerenza alle idee della de...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Nardò, il sindaco fasciocomunista che lotta contro i caporali: “Aiuto i migranti in coerenza alle idee della destra sociale” - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Lo chiamano il sindaco di Casapound che aiuta gli immigrati. Lui si smarca sottolineando che non ha mai militato nell’organizzazione anche se essere associato ai fascisti del terzo millennio “non è assolutamente un’offesa”. Sui migranti invece parla molto chiaro: “Bisogna farla finita con l’infamia dello sfruttamento dei braccianti africani che da più di vent’anni macchia …
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Olimpiadi Rio 2016, dalla siriana che ha nuotato nell’Egeo al maratoneta fuggito dall’Etiopia: ecco la nazional...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Olimpiadi Rio 2016, dalla siriana che ha nuotato nell'Egeo al maratoneta fuggito dall'Etiopia: ecco la nazionale rifugiati - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Il loro primo tifoso sarà Ban Ki-moon. Il segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite ha promesso che per sostenerli metterà da parte la sua proverbiale neutralità. Accanto a lui saranno in tanti a buttare un occhio ai risultati degli atleti che parteciperanno alle Olimpiadi sotto la bandiera del Comitato olimpico internazionale perché rifugiati. Una vera e …
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Londra, 19enne con problemi mentali attacca passanti con il coltello: uccisa una donna, cinque i feriti
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Londra, 19enne attacca passanti con il coltello: uccisa una donna, almeno 6 feriti - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Una donna è morta e sei persone sono rimaste ferite in un attacco a colpi di coltello avvenuto intorno alle 22.30 di ieri sera a Russel Square, in pieno centro di Londra. L’aggressore – fa sapere la polizia municipale londinese sui suoi profili social – è stato arrestato. E’ un giovane di 19 anni con …
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Lecco, finge di palpeggiare un’alunna: il preside se la cava con una multa
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Lecco, finge di palpeggiare un'alunna: il preside se la cava con una multa - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Fingere di tambureggiare sul sedere di una ragazza minorenne non è consono ma se a farlo è il preside di una scuola il rischio è di pagare una multa di 350 euro (leggi). Nulla di più. E’ finita così la vicenda che lo scorso mese di giugno aveva coinvolto il dirigente dell’istituto professionale “Graziella Fumagalli” …
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Why the Pirates benched Andrew McCutchen:
Yahoo Sports

Why the Pirates are benching Andrew McCutchen for an entire series

Pirates’ superstar Andrew McCutchen is not expected to see the field this week in Atlanta. When Andrew McCutchen’s name didn’t appear in the Pittsburgh Pirates lineup for a second straight game on Wednesday, we knew something was up. Fortunately, it turns out McCutchen is not injured, though he’s certainly
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RT @bigleaguestew: Mets pitcher accuses Mark Teixeira of stealing signs, questions his manhood
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Mets pitcher accuses Mark Teixeira of stealing signs, questions his manhood

The Subway Series nearly devolved into a brouhaha on Wednesday after a series of incidents centered around New York Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira. Most notably, the New York Mets seemed to think Teixeira was stealing signs while standing on second, or at least that’s how relief pitcher Hansel
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Londra, economia verso la recessione. Oggi la Banca d’Inghilterra decide su tassi e Qe

Londra, economia verso la recessione. Oggi la Banca d’Inghilterra decide su tassi e Qe

La Gran Bretagna passeggia sul ciglio della recessione, in marcia com’è verso un trimestre di crescita del pil di segno negativo, in bilico fra meno 0,2 e meno 0,4 per cento. E la Banca d’Inghilterra traccia oggi il primo bilancio sullo stato dell’economia del Regno, all’alba dell’era post europea. Dovrà decidere se tagliare i tassi d’interesse e rilanciare il quantitative easing
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California man chased by bear inside his home

Man Chased by Bear Inside His California Home

One California man had quite the grizzly encounter Saturday night when a bear chased him in his own home. Rodney Ginn of Mammoth Lakes, California, found the hungry animal and her two cubs in his house July 30.
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RT @WojVerticalNBA: Sources on @TheVertical: Russell Westbrook, Thunder reach agreement on three-year, $85M-plus contract renegotiation. ht…
Yahoo Sports

Sources: Russell Westbrook agrees to contract extension with OKC

Russell Westbrook agreed to a three-year extension to stay in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City Thunder star guard Russell Westbrook has agreed to a three-year, $85 million-plus maximum contract renegotiation, league sources told The Vertical. Westbrook, a five-time All-Star, and his agent, Thad Foucher
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San Giovanni Maria Vianney

Dardilly, piccolo paesello della diocesi di Lione, fu la patria del santo Curato. La sua famiglia si dedicava ai lavori agricoli, e Giovanni medesimo quando fu giunto all'età di sette anni dovette, aiutare...
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British Olympic cyclist under fire for skipping out on drug tests: #Rio2016
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British cyclist under fire for skipping drug tests

British cyclist Lizzie Armitstead is still allowed to compete in Rio despite missing three drug tests. Lizzie Armitstead, the 27-year-old reigning female world road race champion who is set to compete in Sunday’s women’s road race, arrived in Rio Wednesday under the cloud of a doping scandal, amid accusations
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Free Wi-Fi and phone charging stations are hiding in plain sight in NYC

Free Wi-Fi and phone charging stations are hiding in plain sight in NYC

Now you have the New York City streets for free (and speedy) Wi-Fi. At least that’s what the NYC government and CityBridge, a joint public-private consortium of experts in tech, media, and connectivity, are trying to achieve. Since launching in January, they have placed 300 Wi-Fi kiosks throughout
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Nick Foles: From 7 TD game, to journeyman who reportedly landed with Chiefs via @CharlesRobinson
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Nick Foles: From 7 TD game, to journeyman who reportedly landed with Chiefs

For one Sunday, Nick Foles had the look of a franchise QB. Less than three years ago, Nick Foles was living a video game moment. By the end of that surprising 2013 season, one executive within the Philadelphia Eagles franchise suggested to team owner Jeffrey Lurie that Foles was worth an elite quarterback
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Usain Bolt promises to unleash “full wrath” on Justin Gaitlin #Rio2016
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Olympics-Athletics-American rivals to feel 'full wrath' of lightning quick Bolt

By Kayon Raynor RIO DE JANEIRO, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Usain Bolt is promising to let American sprinter Justin Gatlin "feel his full wrath" as he zones in on an unprecedented treble-treble of gold medals at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Bolt was given a medical exemption by Jamaican officials
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Basketball star Elena Delle Donne comes out as gay with little fanfare #Rio2016
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Basketball star Elena Delle Donne comes out as gay with little fanfare

Both a WNBA and Olympic star, Delle Donne has been a vocal advocate for LGBT rights. Women’s basketball star Elena Delle Donne, a key member of Team USA in Rio de Janeiro and the WNBA’s reigning MVP as a member of the Chicago Sky, has come out as gay via a new article in Vogue. Delle Donne’s sexual
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RT @bigleaguestew: Terry Francona loses his mind after replay's latest failure
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Terry Francona loses his mind after replay's latest failure

Most would agree that replay has served its intended purpose of getting as many missed calls corrected as possible in MLB. Francona, along with Indians pitching coach Mickey Callaway, were ejected from Cleveland’s 13-5 loss to Minnesota after arguing what appeared to be a clean catch by right fielder
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Wisconsin man fights to keep his pet therapy geese

Wisconsin Man Fights to Keep His Pet Therapy Geese Named After 'I Love Lucy' Characters

A Wisconsin man is fighting to keep his beloved gaggle of geese after receiving a notice from the town of Beloit saying that it was against a town ordinance to keep fowl on residential properties.The geese, named after characters in "I Love Lucy," serve as therapy pets to 57-year-old Robert "Bob" Sparks, who was traumatized after a motor vehicle accident, according to a petition started by his wife, Sylvia Davis.In the petition, Davis explained her husband would "lay in a hospital bed...
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RT @YShutdownCorner: All the way back: 49ers give LB NaVorro Bowman a big deal -
Yahoo Sports

All the way back: 49ers give LB NaVorro Bowman a big deal

A year ago, nobody could be sure if San Francisco 49ers linebacker NaVorro Bowman would ever play at a Pro Bowl level again. Bowman was a first-team All-Pro last season, completing an incredible comeback from a gruesome knee injury that wiped out his entire 2014 season. Bowman is now signed for seven
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Senior GOP officials exploring options if Trump drops out

Senior GOP Officials Exploring Options If Trump Drops Out

Republican officials are exploring how to handle a scenario that would be unthinkable in a normal election year: What would happen if the party's presidential nominee dropped out? First, Trump would have to voluntarily exit the race. Then it would be up to the 168 members of the Republican National Committee to choose a successor, though the process is complicated.
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Indians prospect in vetoed Jonathan Lucroy trade ties MILB record:
Yahoo Sports

Indians prospect in vetoed Jonathan Lucroy trade ties MILB record

Cleveland Indians prospect Francisco Mejia extended his hitting streak to 45 games on Wednesday. If the name Francisco Mejia sounds familiar, that’s probably because he was involved in the biggest trade that didn’t happen at this year’s trade deadline. The Cleveland Indians catching prospect was supposed
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Workers couldn't sell souvenirs or concessions at the Canada-Australia women's soccer match: #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

There was a little problem with souvenirs, concessions on sale at soccer match

The concessions were there, too. Everything was on the rack, packed in ice, ready to go for the first visitors to the Rio Olympic Games. There was just one problem: There were no price tags on the uniforms or concessions, and the workers didn’t know how much anything cost.
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RT @Eric_Edholm: Who exactly is Jay Cutler? Maybe the guy the #Bears will depend on most this season My dispatch from #BearsCamp: https:…
Yahoo Sports

Who exactly is Jay Cutler? Maybe the guy the Bears depend on most

Jay Christopher Cutler has 10 NFL seasons under his belt now. Brandon Marshall, who has been critical of his former QB in the past, recently said he thinks Cutler is an MVP candidate. Martellus Bennett, traded to the New England Patriots in the offseason, didn’t argue with his brother, Michael, who
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RT @WojVerticalNBA: The Vertical's Front Office Insider @BobbyMarks42 w/ details on financial structure of a Westbrook renegotiation: https…
Yahoo Sports

Front-Office Insider: Russell Westbrook's future

Russell Westbrook will have some decisions to make. With the Kevin Durant defection to Golden State now in the rear-view mirror, the focus now turns to Russell Westbrook. The recent cap spike caused the perfect storm that allowed the Warriors to land Durant, but now presents the perfect opportunity
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Female MMA fighter Gabi Garcia doesn't rule out fighting men:
Yahoo Sports

Female MMA fighter doesn't rule out fighting men

Could we see Brazilian jiujitsu Hall of Famer Gabi Garcia fight a man? Standing at 6-foot-2 and weighing 238 pounds, Brazilian jiujitsu Hall of Famer Gabi Garcia is going to have a difficult time finding women to compete with her in MMA. After winning more than10 gold medals in major grappling competitions

04/08/2016, ore 18.57, da
Rai Movie 21:10

Silkwood (Film)

Karen Silkwood lavora in una fabbrica di materiale atomico. Dopo aver constatato la contaminazione di un collega, viene trasferita ad altro incarico. ...
Rai Movie 23:30

Do not Disturb (Film)

Melissa, una vivace ragazzina americana di dieci anni, arriva ad Amsterdam in una gelida giornata autunnale. A causa di una malattia contratta nell'in...