domenica 14 agosto 2016

Varie di oggi, Domenica 14 Agosto 2016, da Digg

14/08/2016, ore 11.35, da 

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I Santi di oggi – 14 agosto San Massimiliano Maria Kolbe Sacerdote e martire

I Santi di oggi – 14 agosto San Massimiliano Maria Kolbe Sacerdote e martire. Se non è il primo è senz’altro fra i primi ad essere stato beatificato e poi canonizzato fra le vittime dei campi di concentramento tedeschi. Il papa Giovanni Paolo II ha detto di lui, che con il suo martirio egli ha riportato “la vittoria mediante l’amore e la fede, in un luogo costruito per la negazione della fede in Dio e nell’uomo”.
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @GraceAllenz: Try these 6 smart post-workout snacks.
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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The unbelievable mistake that cost an American gold in men's long jump: by @JeffEisenberg #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

The unbelievable mistake that cost an American gold in men's long jump

Jarrion Lawson argues with an official after his final jump. RIO DE JANEIRO — When Jarrion Lawson’s feet splashed into the sand on the final attempt of Saturday night’s long jump competition, he thought he’d won an Olympic gold medal. The 22-year-old popped up from the pit and leaped in the air after
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RT @RaiSport: Il mito dei miti #EmanuelRego, uno dei più forti beacher di sempre.L'intervista a cura di @Maucolantoni #Rio2016 t.c

Tweet from RaiSport

Il mito dei miti #EmanuelRego, uno dei più forti beacher di sempre.L'intervista a cura di @Maucolantoni #Rio2016
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RT @RaiSport: Ecco gli ultimi momenti della "finalina" #fencing. Buona prestazione azzurra, ma non arriva la medaglia #Rio2016

Tweet from RaiSport

Ecco gli ultimi momenti della "finalina" #fencing. Buona prestazione azzurra, ma non arriva la medaglia #Rio2016
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RT @RaiSport: Franco Menichelli è oro nel corpo libero, argento agli anelli e bronzo alle parallele #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016

Tweet from RaiSport

Franco Menichelli è oro nel corpo libero, argento agli anelli e bronzo alle parallele #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016
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RT @RaiSport: L'impresa del nuoto italiano a #Rio2016: #oro per #Paltrinieri e #bronze per #Detti nei 1500 sl. @ItaliaTeam_it

Tweet from RaiSport

L'impresa del nuoto italiano a #Rio2016: #oro per #Paltrinieri e #bronze per #Detti nei 1500 sl. @ItaliaTeam_it
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RT @RaiSport: Sulle note dell'Inno Nazionale splendono l'#oro di #Paltrinieri​ e il #bronze di #Detti​ #OrgoglioTricolore #Rio2016 https://…

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Sulle note dell'Inno Nazionale splendono l'#oro di #Paltrinieri​ e il #bronze di #Detti​ #OrgoglioTricolore #Rio2016
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streethawk70Seregno @streethawk70 Moto GP Austria live stream

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streethawk70Seregno @streethawk70 BT SPORT 2 UK live stream

BT SPORT 2 UK live stream

BT SPORT 2 UK live stream. Watch direct online BT SPORT 2 UK live streaming 08/14/2016 United Kingdom, we do our best to provide you only HD, high quality streams that are possible to view and watch on mobile and android devices.So this might be the best place to receive BT SPORT 2 UK online with at no costs. Most live broadcasts are working on tablet and IOS - Android but you might have to change to your PC for some as well. Live BT SPORT 2 UK streaming should work best with Google Chrome Brows...
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streethawk70Seregno @streethawk70 Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto sgradito, “pensierino”, poi ti dico una cosa piuttosto precisa,

Senza titolo, Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto...

Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto sgradito, “pensierino”, poi ti dico una cosa piuttosto precisa, in modo piuttosto preciso, non faccio certo magie ed incantesimi “fatati” al sol...
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Afroamericano ucciso dalla polizia a Milwaukee. Scoppia la protesta: auto, pompe di benzina e una banca in fiam...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Afroamericano ucciso dalla polizia a Milwaukee. Scoppia la protesta: auto, pompe di benzina e una banca in fiamme - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Alta tensione nel Wisconsin, dopo che un ragazzo afroamericano di 23 anni, armato, è stato ucciso da un agente di polizia durante un inseguimento a Milwaukee. Centinaia di persone sono scese in piazza per manifestare contro le forze dell’ordine. Le proteste si sono presto trasformate in atti vandalici: diverse auto, una pompa di benzina e la filiale …
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RT @GraceAllenz: 18 Laws Of Ab Training - Bodybuilding
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Dieci maxi-opere per rilanciare il Pil dopo la gelata di primavera

Dieci maxi-opere per rilanciare il Pil dopo la gelata di primavera

Cantieri del Brennero a pieno regime, Terzo Valico che sblocca due lotti da 2,2 miliardi, Autovie Venete che avvierà a settembre i lavori per la terza corsia della Venezia-Trieste: un pacchetto di grandi opere in fase di accelerazione conferma la spinta del governo verso gli investimenti, anche come cura contro la stagnazione del Pil
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The faces of #Rio2016 Olympic heartbreak.
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Faces of Olympic heartbreak

Only the best of the best can take home a medal from the Olympic Games, and that means disappointment for many dedicated Olympians. Take a look at the heartbroken faces of these competitors after being defeated in Rio.
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RT @LairKellylairss: Check this free home exercise plan!.
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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L’Islam cresce più in fretta di tutte le altre religioni. In crisi i non… @24infodata

L’Islam cresce più in fretta di tutte le altre religioni. In crisi i non credenti - Info Data

Le proiezioni sono del Pew Research Center che per la prima volta dopo sei anni di lavoro ha elaborato una previsione sulla base sondaggi e indici relativi a fertilità, età media, mortalità e flussi migratori. Queste previsioni rivelano che i non credenti nel 2050 caleranno in termini percentuali passando dal 16 al 13% della popolazione …
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Gregorio Paltrinieri non delude mai: dopo l’oro a Rio, il prossimo obiettivo è diventare il più foerte di sempr...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Gregorio Paltrinieri non delude mai: dopo l'oro a Rio, il prossimo obiettivo è diventare il più foerte di sempre nei 1500 metri - Il Fatto Quotidiano

A 21 anni il destino da olimpionico di Gregorio Paltrinieri è finalmente compiuto. Quello che tutti gli avevano pronosticato quando era soltanto un ragazzino, e a 17 anni già partecipava ai suoi primi Giochi a Londra 2012. Quello che anche lui ha atteso e sognato, ogni giorno degli ultimi quattro anni, sapendo di essere il …
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Americans are feeling ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ over the Olympics #RioOlympics2016
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Americans feeling 'meh' over the Olympics

Stores are flooded with red, white and blue like a whale splashed in a patriotic wave, and homes are all tuned in to watch what gold medal Team USA has just won. While streaming options have cut into that number, what may be happening is Americans getting sick of watching the Olympics. As awesome as
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Watch: Lithuanian weightlifter lands a perfect backflip to celebrate bronze #RioOlympics2016
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Lithuanian weightlifter lands a perfect backflip to celebrate bronze

When Aurimas Didzbalis stepped up for his final lift of the Rio Olympics, he was already guaranteed a spot on the podium. While the crowd sounded disappointed by his failed attempt, he channeled his inner Simone Biles and immediately followed the attempt with a perfectly executed backflip that earned
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Yasiel Puig goes crazy celebrating Monica Puig's historic gold medal #RioOlympics2016
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Yasiel Puig goes crazy celebrating Monica Puig's historic gold medal

Yasiel Puig supported Monica Puig during her historic gold medal victory. For example, Puig spent some time bonding with his new teammates at Oklahoma City this week by hunting Pokemon. While the Dodgers were playing an afternoon game on Saturday, Puig was free to watch the Olympics and cheer on his
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RT @LairKellylairss: Upgrade your workout routine with these 10 leg exercises for women. Work your thighs. https:/…
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San Massimiliano Maria Kolbe su

Massimiliano Maria Kolbe nasce nel 1894 a Zdunska-Wola, in Polonia. Entra nell'ordine dei francescani e, mentre l'Europa si avvia a un secondo conflitto mondiale, svolge un intenso apostolato missionario in Europa e in Asia. Ammalato di tubercolosi, Kolbe dà vita al «Cavaliere dell'Immacolata», periodico che raggiunge in una decina d'anni una tiratura di milioni di copie. Nel 1941 è deportato ad Auschwitz. Qui è destinato ai lavori più umilianti, come il trasporto dei cadaveri al crematorio. Nel...
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RT @JeffEisenberg: One American long jumper won gold in dramatic fashion tonight. The other only mistakenly thought he did.
Yahoo Sports

The unbelievable mistake that cost an American gold in men's long jump

Jarrion Lawson argues with an official after his final jump. RIO DE JANEIRO — When Jarrion Lawson’s feet splashed into the sand on the final attempt of Saturday night’s long jump competition, he thought he’d won an Olympic gold medal. The 22-year-old popped up from the pit and leaped in the air after
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Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto sgradito, “pensierino”, poi ti dico una cosa piuttosto...

Senza titolo, Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto...

Ma come?! Io mi permetto un piccolo, nient'affatto sgradito, “pensierino”, poi ti dico una cosa piuttosto precisa, in modo piuttosto preciso, non faccio certo magie ed incantesimi “fatati” al sol...
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RT @bigleaguestew: Mets overcome themselves to get desperately needed victory
Yahoo Sports

Mets overcome themselves to get desperately needed victory

If you thought the sky was falling in Queens before Saturday, just imagine what another New York Mets loss to the San Diego Padres would have done to their fans. The Mets came into the game having lost eight of 12 games in August. To make matters even more frustrating, they’ve been dealt six one-run
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: Flexibility has many health benefits. including healing aches and pains.
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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The cartoon you probably don't want your kids to watch via @YahooMovies

How the R-Rated Animated 'Sausage Party' Owes Its Existence to Pixar

It wasn’t the envelope-pushing South Park that most inspired Seth Rogen and the creators of the new R-rated animated film Sausage Party (though they did take notes from the cartoon mainstay’s creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, on how to sneak loads of lewd content by the MPAA). “It was mostly born
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Mystery Solved: How Puerto Rico competes independently
Yahoo Sports

Mystery solved: How Puerto Rico competes independently

Monica Puig of Puerto Rico reacts after defeating Angelique Kerber of Germany. Citizens of Puerto Rico are natural born citizens of the United States. Puerto Ricans were granted in citizenship by Congress in 1917 via the Jones-Shafroth Act, which made the island a U.S. territory.
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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RT @wyshynski: USA beach volleyball ready for epic Brazil showdown #beachvolleyball #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

USA beach volleyball ready for epic Brazil showdown

It’s the match everyone following the men’s beach volleyball tournament at the Rio Olympics wanted: Phil Dalhausser and Nick Lucena of the U.S. vs. No. 1-seeded Alison Cerutti and Bruno Schmidt of Brazil. Brazil in Brazil,” said Dalhausser of the match scheduled for Monday in Copacabana. Dalhausser
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RT @MrMichaelLee: On @TheVertical: How Argentina & Brazil kept the peace while staging an epic game #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

How Argentina and Brazil kept the peace in their epic game

Argentina celebrates after beating Brazil in double OT. RIO DE JANEIRO — These Olympics will have a difficult time producing a more intense, dramatic, emotionally vacillating and entertaining basketball game than the one staged between Argentina and Brazil Saturday at Carioca Arena 1. Manu Ginobili
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RT @YahooMovies: Kenny Baker, the ‘Star Wars’ actor behind R2-D2, has died at 81. #RIPKennyBaker

Kenny Baker, the ‘Star Wars’ Actor Behind R2-D2, Dies at 81

Kenny Baker, the man who brought the iconic Star Wars character R2-D2 to life, has died. The Guardian, which confirmed the death, issued a statement from Baker’s niece, Abigail Shield: “It was expected, but it’s sad nonetheless,” she said. The actor, who was 3 feet 8 inches tall, stared in the first
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Nadia Comaneci on Simone Biles: "Time will tell if she will become the greatest" #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Comaneci: 'Biles not yet the greatest of all time'

Simone Biles performs on the balance beam during the gymnastics women’s all-around final. Simone Biles has taken the Rio Olympics by storm, awing her competition and winning two gold medals, including the women’s individual all-around. Gymnastics icon Nadia Comaneci, for one, has put the brakes on
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The unfair disadvantage Caster Semenya must endure to compete for #Olympic gold: by @Eric_Adelson
Yahoo Sports

The unfair disadvantage Caster Semenya must endure to compete for Olympic gold

The suggestion was as stinging as it was prejudiced: Semenya supposedly had an unfair advantage from elevated levels of natural testosterone, and the so-called proof was her masculine looks. Well, a lot has happened since then, and it was Savinova who likely had the unfair advantage. Savinova’s insinuations
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Michael Phelps caps legendary career with relay gold in final race: #RioOlympics2016 #USA #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

Michael Phelps caps legendary Olympic career with relay gold in final race

Michael Phelps finishes his career with 23 Olympic golds and 28 overall medals. RIO DE JANEIRO – The United States closed the Rio Olympics swimming competition with a final dominating flourish, sweeping the medley relay events and sending Michael Phelps out on a triumphant note. The women’s 400-meter
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Tori Bowie wins silver in women's 100 behind new Jamaican sprint queen #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Tori Bowie wins silver in women's 100 behind new Jamaican sprint queen

Two years ago, Tori Bowie forsook her beloved sport of long jump to focus on the 100-meter dash. Bowie earned a silver in the race for the fastest woman in the world, won by Jamaica’s Elaine Thompson in a time of 10.71 at the Rio Games on Saturday. Countrywoman Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, who was looking
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Rio 2016, Gregorio Paltrinieri medaglia d’oro nei 1500 metri del nuoto. Gabriele Detti bronzo
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Rio 2016, Gregorio Paltrinieri medaglia d'oro nei 1500 metri del nuoto. Gabriele Detti bronzo - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Gregorio Paltrinieri medaglia d’oro nei 1500. Gabriele Detti magnifico bronzo. Un podio storico per l’Italia. Argento per lo statunitense Connor Jaeger. “Ė stato molto duro non dal punto di vista fisico, ma psicologico. È una emozione indescrivibile. Volevo il record del mondo e so di valerlo. Prima o poi arriverà” ha detto il campione che è …
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Mo Farah overcomes fall to win second straight Olympic gold in 10,000m #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Mo Farah overcomes fall to win second straight Olympic gold in 10,000 meters

Great Britain’s Mo Farah fell midway through the race, got back up and battled his way to a second straight Olympic gold medal in the men’s 10,000 meters at the Rio Games on Saturday. Farah appeared to be accidentally tripped up by American Galen Rupp, the 10,000 silver medalist at the London Games,
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Watch Live: Simone Manuel competes in the 50M freestyle #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Swimming Day 8 finals

Day 8 finals include the women's 50m freestyle, men's 1500m freestyle and the men's and women's 4x100m medley relays.
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RT @JeffEisenberg: American English Gardner will attempt to claim gold in the women's 100 tonight. My profile from earlier this summer: htt…
Yahoo Sports

The U.S. 100-meter Olympic hopeful who refused to stop running

English Gardner is a favorite to qualify for the 100 at this weekend’s U.S. Olympic Trials. Not long after blowing out her right knee spinning past a defender during a powder puff football game at her high school, heralded sprinter English Gardner began to grow impatient to run again. When doctors
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RT @freemaneric: At @4thPlaceMedal: Spain finally show up in Rio, blows out previously undefeated Lithuania: https:…
Yahoo Sports

Spain finally shows up in Rio, blows out previously undefeated Lithuania

Spain’s Pau Gasol (4) reacts after making a basket during a basketball game against Lithuania at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2016. It took Spain’s men’s basketball team four games in the Rio de Janeiro Olympics to display the form that won them silver medals
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No evidence Trump provided child care services for employees

No evidence Trump provided child care services for employees

NEW YORK (AP) — When Donald Trump vowed this week to make child care more accessible and affordable, it was just the second time during his White House campaign that he's talked about an issue that affects millions of working Americans with young children.
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RT @YahooDrSaturday: Florida State QB Sean Maguire is out several weeks with a foot injury.
Yahoo Sports

Florida State QB Sean Maguire out several weeks

Florida State will be without presumptive starting quarterback Sean Maguire when the season begins. Maguire showed up at FSU’s practice Saturday with a boot on his right foot, and Seminoles head coach Jimbo Fisher told reporters following practice that Maguire, a fifth-year senior, needs surgery. According
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Olympic officials to Iranian fan: Take down sign or leave.
Yahoo Sports

Olympic officials to Iranian fan: Take down sign or leave

The Iranian men’s volleyball team is competing in its first Olympics in history. Security personnel at the Olympics threatened to eject an Iranian volleyball fan for holding a large sign protesting the fact that women are banned from attending matches in Iran. Darya Safai, an activist whose sign read
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In Edicola sul Fatto Quotidiano del 14 agosto: Abbiamo buttato 30 miliardi per arrivare alla crescita zero
Il Fatto Quotidiano

In Edicola sul Fatto Quotidiano del 14 agosto: Abbiamo buttato 30 miliardi per arrivare alla crescita zero - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Abbiamo buttato 30 miliardi per arrivare alla crescita zero. Governo fallito - Nessun effetto da 80 euro, Jobs Act, sgravi e taglio della Tasi
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RT @AlbertoBagnai: Ma c'è un errore grossolano! I forestali sono calabresi! Desk rejection. (@triolo_antonio). http…

Goofynomics: The First Michele Boldrin Award of Economic Poetry

L’economia esiste perché esiste lo scambio, ogni scambio presuppone l’esistenza di due parti, con interessi contrapposti: l’acquirente vuole spendere di meno, il venditore vuole guadagnare di più. Molte analisi dimenticano questo dato essenziale. Per contribuire a una lettura più equilibrata della realtà abbiamo aperto questo blog, ispirato al noto pensiero di Pippo: “è strano come una discesa vista dal basso somigli a una salita”. Una verità semplice, ma dalle applicazioni non banali...
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How former NFL running back Jahvid Best made transition to Olympic sprinter. From @JeffEisenberg. #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

How former NFL running back Jahvid Best made transition to Olympic sprinter

Jahvid Best (left) got his wish to run against Usain Bolt in the 100-meter prelims. RIO DE JANEIRO – When Jahvid Best learned earlier this year that he would represent St. Lucia at the Olympics in the 100 meters, the former NFL running back had only one request.
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RT @bigleaguestew: Could Jonathan Papelbon's release lead to Red Sox reunion?
Yahoo Sports

Could Jonathan Papelbon's release lead to Red Sox reunion?

Jonathan Papelbon must find a new home after being released by the Nationals. Jonathan Papelbon is officially a free agent. On Saturday, the 35-year-old former closer was granted his release by the Washington Nationals, leaving him free to sign with any team he chooses down the stretch.
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What made world-beating 'machine' Katie Ledecky finally crack and show emotion. By @YahooForde. #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

What made world-beating 'machine' Katie Ledecky finally crack and show emotion

Back home in the United States, Kaitlin Pawlowicz could watch the jaw-dropping domination unfold Friday night and feel some six-year-old satisfaction. Pawlowicz, age 17, beat 13-year-old Ledecky by 12 seconds – almost the same margin by which Ledecky destroyed the world Friday night in the Olympic Games
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RT @wyshynski: Rio officials blame green pool on contractor, plan total water swap
Yahoo Sports

Rio officials blame green pool on contractor, plan total water swap

What caused the pools for Rio Olympic water polo, diving and synchronized swimmer to turn a disgusting shade of green? While hydrogen peroxide can be used as a way to kill organics in the water, it’s not something that is used in addition to chlorine.
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Roma, polemiche sullo stipendio del capo di gabinetto della Raggi. A Milano Sala ha speso quasi il doppio con d...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Roma, polemiche sullo stipendio del capo di gabinetto della Raggi. A Milano Sala ha speso quasi il doppio con due nomine - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Carla Romana Raineri guadagnerà 193mila euro come nuovo capo di gabinetto del sindaco di Roma Virginia Raggi: troppo? Per il Partito democratico non ci sono dubbi, tanto che sulla nomina ha attaccato il M5s, accusato di spendere più dei predecessori. In giornata, però, è arrivata la smentita del Movimento 5 stelle. Stefano Lucidi, capogruppo grillino al Senato, …
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Rio 2016, giudice ucraino cacciato dopo gestaccio contro le azzurre della sciabola
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Rio 2016, giudice ucraino cacciato dopo gestaccio contro le azzurre della sciabola - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Scintille nel post-semifinale di sciabola femminile a Rio 2016 persa dall’Italia contro l’Ucraina. La Federazione Internazionale di Scherma ha revocato l’accredito per il membro della commissione arbitrale Fie, l’ucraino Vadym Guttsait, in seguito alla violazione di una norma comportamentale prevista dal regolamento Fie. A quanto pare Guttsait avrebbe mostrato il dito medio alle azzurre. La …
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RT @JeffEisenberg: How former NFL running back Jahvid Best transitioned to running alongside Usain Bolt at the Olympics
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How former NFL running back Jahvid Best made transition to Olympic sprinter

Jahvid Best (left) got his wish to run against Usain Bolt in the 100-meter prelims. RIO DE JANEIRO – When Jahvid Best learned earlier this year that he would represent St. Lucia at the Olympics in the 100 meters, the former NFL running back had only one request.
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RT @YShutdownCorner: Bad news for the Philadelphia Eagles prized rookie QB.
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Carson Wentz suffered hairline fracture of ribs in debut

The Philadelphia Eagles had no plans of starting Carson Wentz early in the regular season, so preseason experience was going to be pretty important for his rookie development. Wentz, the second overall pick of the draft, suffered a hairline fracture in his ribs in Thursday’s preseason game against the
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"Simone" could win gold on the baby name popularity lists. #Rio2016
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'Simone' could win gold on baby name popularity lists #RioOlympics2016

'Simone' could win gold on baby name popularity lists

Thursday at the Olympics was a good day for women named Simone. First Simone Biles took home gold in the individual all-around, prompting questions of whether she’s the greatest gymnast in history. Then Simone Manuel made barrier-breaking history in the 100m freestyle, becoming the first African-American
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These Irish rowing brothers give the best interviews. #RioOlympics2016.
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Irish rowing brothers give the best interviews in Rio (Video)

Gary O’Donovan and Paul O’Donovan, of Ireland, celebrate their silver in the men’s rowing lightweight double sculls during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Friday, Aug. 12, 2016. Rowers Paul and Gary O’Donovan gave Ireland its first medal of the Rio Olympics when the brothers took
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RT @bigleaguestew: Yankees rookies hit back-to-back homers in first career at-bats
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Yankees rookies hit back-to-back homers in first career at-bats

The new era of New York Yankees baseball got off to a memorable start on Saturday afternoon. Rookies Tyler Austin and Aaron Judge, both of whom were summoned to Yankee Stadium to make their major-league debuts in the wake of Alex Rodriguez’s release, made history by each homering in their respective
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How Maya DiRado overcame the Iron Lady to end her Olympic career in style. @YahooForde column. #RioOlympics2016
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How Maya DiRado overcame the Iron Lady to end her Olympic career in style

When Maya DiRado lunged for the wall on the final arm stroke of the 200-meter backstroke Friday night – the final arm stroke of her career, her literal last act as a competitive swimmer – it summed up everything like poetry. Maya DiRado, swimming late bloomer, had spent her whole life just a little

14/08/2016, ore 11.34, da
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streethawk70Seregno @streethawk70 34m ago
RT @RaiSport: Sulle note dell'Inno Nazionale splendono l'#oro di #Paltrinieri​ e il #bronze di #Detti​ #OrgoglioTricolore #Rio2016 https://…

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Instead of syrup and strippers, MTV focuses on Future the family man. An intimate portrait, along with a 10-minute mini-documentary.

As part of Pitchfork's ongoing series revisiting classic albums, Jeff Weiss tackles the making of and the legacy of the album that felt like Michael Jackson's last real moment as Michael Jackson.