sabato 13 agosto 2016

Varie di oggi, Sabato 13 agosto 2016

13/08/2016, ore 12.49, da

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RT @Ginamzz: Want a better workout? Here's how you can make that happen.
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.@SummerSanders_ is still driven by her post-Olympics passion. #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

Summer Sanders still driven by her post-Olympics passion

The world first met Summer Sanders as a 19-year-old swimming sensation at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, but now knows her best as a successful television host, reporter and analyst. Sanders was a natural in the pool, and it didn’t take long for her to reach an elite level. At 15, Sanders was already
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RT @GraceAllenz: ✄
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Olimpiadi Rio 2016, Clemente Russo rientra in Italia: “Medaglia d’oro ‘tolta’ ingiustamente”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Olimpiadi Rio 2016, Clemente Russo rientra in Italia: "Medaglia d'oro 'tolta' ingiustamente" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

“Ha vinto Tishchenko, credo che vincerà anche la medaglia d’oro. Una medaglia che mi hanno ‘tolto’ ingiustamente. C’è molto rammarico, questa è stata la mia ultima Olimpiade e volevo chiuderla in bellezza.” Amarezza e delusione, dopo l’eliminazione dal torneo di pugilato di Rio 2016, per il pugile campano 34enne Clemente Russo, appena sbarcato a Fiumicino …
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Libia, 007: “Uomini Isis nel Milanese”. Sirte, “da qui si parte per colpire Roma”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Libia, 007: "Uomini Isis nel Milanese". Sirte, "da qui si parte per colpire Roma" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Sirte è stata quasi del tutto liberata dalle forze jihadiste dell’Isis, ha annunciato il Consiglio presidenziale del governo di consenso nazionale libico. Tra i documenti, recuperati negli edifici precedentemente occupati dagli affiliati al sedicente Stato Islamico dai servizi segreti del governo al Sarraj, vi sarebbero diverse carte che riguardano l’attività di affiliati allo Stato Islamico in Italia, soprattutto nel Milanese, riporta il …
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RT @a_padellaro: Al Pd serve l’ufficio Ega: evitiamo gli autogol - Se fossi in Matteo Renzi sostituirei la sezione stampa e prop... https:/…
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Al Pd serve l’ufficio Ega: evitiamo gli autogol - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Se fossi in Matteo Renzi sostituirei la sezione stampa e propaganda del Pd e di palazzo Chigi con l’ufficio Ega: evitiamo gli autogol. Non scherzo affatto. Ormai (quasi) tutti i giornali e (quasi) tutti i Tg sanno perfettamente ciò che si deve dire e non dire onde non recare disturbo al premier, nonché leader, all’opre …
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The one dangerous move that can ruin Simone Biles' bid for five golds at #Rio2016.
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The one dangerous move that can ruin Simone Biles' bid for five golds

It comes straight from the plot of Hollywood sporting classics “Blades of Glory” and “Back to School,” Will Ferrell and Rodney Dangerfield coming to life at the Rio Olympics. It’s the long shot, best shot, maybe only shot of stopping Simone Biles as she enters what is expected to be an historic individual
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RT @GraceAllenz: ♆♆♆
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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"Il vicolo cieco del governo" di @AlbertoBagnai Se diventerà un altro #QED, l'Italia non avrà speranza di salvezza

Il vicolo cieco del governo

di Alberto Bagnai La crescita zero del Pil nel secondo trimestre dell’anno mostra il vicolo cieco nel quale si trova il governo Renzi. Dal punto di vista tecnico questo fallimento è il prevedibile...
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Pil fermo nel secondo trimestre, frena l’industria @24infodata

Pil fermo nel secondo trimestre, frena l'industria - Info Data

PIllarge È una battuta d’arresto in parte annunciata quella del Pil del secondo trimestre comunicata ieri dall’Istat. La variazione congiunturale zero (+0,7% il tendenziale), calcolata su valori concatenati e al netto degli effetti del calendario, arriva infatti a pochi giorni dai dati negativi della produzione industriale (-0,4% a giugno su maggio e -1% sull’anno) e …
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Americans win wild rally in men's volleyball upset over Brazil (VIDEO)
Yahoo Sports

Americans win wild rally in men's volleyball upset over Brazil (Video)

United States’ Matthew Anderson, right, and Micah Christenson, left, celebrate during a men’s preliminary volleyball match against Brazil at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Friday, Aug. 12, 2016. The United States Men’s Volleyball team pulled off a big upset over top-ranked Brazil
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RT @LairKellylairss: ♛♛♛
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Olimpiadi Rio 2016. Nuoto, è la notte di Gregorio Paltrinieri. Ma prima l’Italia ci riprova nello skeet maschil...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Olimpiadi Rio 2016. Nuoto, è la notte di Gregorio Paltrinieri. Ma prima l'Italia ci riprova nello skeet maschile - Il Fatto Quotidiano

È la notte di Gregorio Paltrinieri. E chissà, magari anche del suo “gemello” Gabriele Detti. Il 13 agosto è la data che tutti, appassionati di nuoto e non, avevano segnato sul calendario fin dall’inizio dei Giochi di Rio de Janeiro 2016: quando in Italia saranno ormai le 3.11 del mattino di domenica 14, Paltrinieri andrà …
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RT @LairKellylairss: LiveContent
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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RT @btsportmotogp: #TBT to 1997 and @micksdoohan's dominant win at the #AustrianGP

Doohan dominant in Austria

We're throwing back to the last time we saw Grand Prix racing at the Red Bull Ring where Aussie Mick Doohan took victory by 22 seconds.
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RT @btsportmotogp: New dad @calcrutchlow is keen to show off his new baby girl Willow at the Red Bull Ring this weekend. #AustrianGP https:…

Willow Crutchlow

Cal Crutchlow celebrates the arrival of his baby daughter Willow with leathers and a helmet dedicated to her at this weekend's Austrian GP.
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RT @btsportmotogp: After 19 years, it's back! @gavinemmett gives us the inside line at the Red Bull Ring 🇦🇹 #AustrianGP

Paddock Passport: Austria

Set in the beautiful Austrian hills, the Red Bull Ring is a spectacular place to watch a MotoGP race. Will we see you there in 2017?
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RT @btsportmotogp: It will clearly take more than a dislocated shoulder to stop @marcmarquez93 racing this weekend... 💪 #AustrianGP https:/…

Tweet from MotoGP™

Now @marcmarquez93 is due to have the shoulder taped up and head back on circuit... 😳 #ToughAsOldBoots 👞 #AustrianGP
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Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross finally met @Lesdoggg #RioOlympics2016
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Walsh Jennings, Ross meet Leslie Jones, continue midnight mastery

When the clock strikes midnight in Rio, it usually means Kerri Walsh Jennings and April Ross are already on their way to victory. The top-seeded U.S. beach volleyball duo won their third midnight match of the tournament, this time in the Round of 16, with a 2-0 (21-10, 21-16) victory over Marta Menegatti
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RT @WeighLossDrinks: ☊☊☊☊☊
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Groenlandia, al via il campionato di calcio. 70 squadre e 5000 giocatori tra i ghiacci per una settimana
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Groenlandia, al via il campionato di calcio. 70 squadre e 5000 giocatori tra i ghiacci per una settimana - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dimenticatevi l’erba perfetta dello Juventus Stadium oppure la suspense della Premier League con la FA Cup e le partite a Natale e Capodanno che tutti vogliono vincere. Il calcio in Groenlandia si gioca sul terreno meno malmesso dell’isola e soprattutto lo si gioca in una sola settimana, tradizionalmente ad agosto, considerato che qui la neve c’è …
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Imposta di soggiorno, 650 Comuni la chiedono ai turisti. Nel 2015 gettito di 431 milioni, +20,5% rispetto al 20...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Imposta di soggiorno, 650 Comuni la chiedono ai turisti. Nel 2015 gettito di 431 milioni, +20,5% rispetto al 2014 - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Sono saliti a 650, il 14% in più rispetto al 2014, Comuni che applicano una imposta di soggiorno o, nel caso delle isole, di sbarco. Nel 2015 il gettito è stato di 123,1 milioni per la Capitale, seguita da Milano che incassato meno della metà: 61 milioni. Seguono Venezia (27,5 milioni), Firenze (26,75 milioni), Rimini (7 milioni), …
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Sicilia, è strage di alberi nel Ragusano: “Iniettano diserbanti negli ulivi secolari”. E c’è l’ombra della “maf...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Sicilia, è strage di alberi nel Ragusano: "Iniettano diserbanti negli ulivi secolari". E c'è l'ombra della "mafia dei pascoli" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Si materializzano nella notte, quando entrano nei boschi e nei campi per versare sostanze diserbanti sulle radici degli alberi, bruciandoli ed uccidendoli. Oppure utilizzano un trapano per iniettare direttamente dentro i tronchi liquidi tossici, che si espandono lentamente fino alle foglie. Il risultato è micidiale: alberi ancora giovani che si spaccano dal di dentro, disseccandosi, …
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore
Crescita zero del Pil, spazi più stretti per la manovra d’autunno

Crescita zero del Pil, spazi più stretti per la manovra d’autunno

La coperta era già corta prima ancora che l’Istat certificasse il rallentamento della crescita. Ora si restringe ulteriormente, a meno di ulteriori margini di flessibilità sul deficit concessi dall’Unione Europea.L a sensazione è che molto difficilmente si riuscirà a onorare tutte le promesse di cui si è discusso finora
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @WeighLossDrinks: 6 Things to NEVER Drink Before a Run runnersworld....
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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The handshake snub heard 'round the world: Israel-Middle East tension boils over at judo match #RioOlympics2016
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Israel-Middle East tension boils over at Olympic judo match

Or Sasson, a long-shot medal contender for Israel, had just defeated Egypt’s Islam El Shehaby in their early-round 100-plus kg judo match in front of a packed house, and El Shehaby refused to shake his hand. The referee of the match forced El Shehaby to bow, and he did so, but by then the Israeli man
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RT @VenusGifts: Abdominal Exercises for Women - all-bodybuilding
Sherry Cortina

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#TeamUSA Women's Basketball stays perfect, tops Canada in another rout. #Rio2016
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Team USA Women's Basketball stays perfect, tops Canada in another rout

Tina Charles leads the WNBA in both scoring and rebounding this year. Team USA entered its fourth meeting of the preliminary round expecting a slugfest. The undefeated squad was due to meet the similarly-perfect Canadian squad, a formidable opponent that reminded of the Australia team that gave the
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RT @VenusGifts: ☰☰☰☰
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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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RT @Ginamzz: Provides fiber. magnesium. and calcium12. Excellent source of vitamin-A and vitamin-K
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Michelle Carter becomes first U.S. woman to win Olympic shot put gold: #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Michelle Carter, 'Shot Diva,' becomes first U.S. woman to win Olympic shot put gold

Michelle Carter carries an American flag after winning gold in the shot put at the 2016 Olympics. Michelle Carter, who calls herself the “Shot Diva,” unleashed a Herculean final throw in the women’s shot put competition Friday night in Rio to take home the first-ever gold medal by an American woman
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Quel che (mi) è successo ieri è anche perché, voglio dire, non necessariamente uno/a deve rinnegare e maledire una “strada”, una “scelta”, ma la gente perché si mette assieme e si sposa?! E perché poi...

Quel che (mi) è successo ieri è anche perché, voglio dire, non necessariamente uno/a deve rinnegare e maledire una “strada”, una “scelta”, ma la gente perché si mette assieme e si sposa?! E perché poi si separa?! Certo, può spiacere anche tanto, ma a volte è necessario e gusto certe “strade” si separino, anche “immensamente”! Per quel che mi riguarda, beh, certo un giorno la mia vita finirà! Ma NON ora e, SOPRATTUTTO, NON così!
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Oh no... Cody Kessler pulls a Dan Orlovsky, runs out of end zone
Yahoo Sports

Oh no! Cody Kessler pulls a Dan Orlovsky, runs out of end zone

When Orlovsky was with the Detroit Lions, he ran out of the back of the end zone, oblivious that he stepped out of bounds and took a safety. It’s also a play that will never, ever leave Orlovsky. At least Cody Kessler pulled an Orlovsky in a preseason game.
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RT @RaiSport: Rivediamo l'arrivo della batteria dei 1500 m stile libero #swimming: @GDetti è terzo #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016

Tweet from RaiSport

Rivediamo l'arrivo della batteria dei 1500 m stile libero #swimming: @GDetti è terzo #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016
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RT @RaiSport: Domina nella sua batteria #Paltrinieri. In finale con il miglior tempo 💪 🏊 #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016 #swimming

Tweet from RaiSport

Domina nella sua batteria #Paltrinieri. In finale con il miglior tempo 💪 🏊 #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016 #swimming
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RT @RaiSport: È festa azzurra nello #skeet! "Doppietta" con #Bacosi e #Cainero: #oro e #argent #shootingsport #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016 https://…

Tweet from RaiSport

È festa azzurra nello #skeet! "Doppietta" con #Bacosi e #Cainero: #oro e #argent #shootingsport #RaiRio2016 #Rio2016
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RT @RaiSport: 💪 Nel triplo e mezzo avanti @TCagnotto è terza con un punteggio di 219.80. #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016 #diving

Tweet from RaiSport

💪 Nel triplo e mezzo avanti @TCagnotto è terza con un punteggio di 219.80. #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016 #diving
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RT @RaiSport: La sintesi e le anticipazioni delle gare di nuoto. Il punto di @tommy_rai e L.Sacchi #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016

Tweet from RaiSport

La sintesi e le anticipazioni delle gare di nuoto. Il punto di @tommy_rai e L.Sacchi #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016
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RT @RaiSport: Quarto posto per #ITA nel fioretto a squadre a #Rio2016. #USA vince il bronzo 45-31 @Federscherma @ItaliaTeam​_it t.c

Tweet from RaiSport

Quarto posto per #ITA nel fioretto a squadre a #Rio2016. #USA vince il bronzo 45-31 @Federscherma @ItaliaTeam​_it
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Rio mystery solved: Can NCAA athletes keep their Olympic medal bonuses? #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Rio mystery solved: Can NCAA athletes keep their Olympic medal bonuses?

Katie Ledecky’s record-breaking exploits in Rio have made her $115,000 richer thanks to United States Olympic Committee payouts on her six Olympic medals. Since 2001, NCAA by-laws have permitted incoming or current student-athletes to benefit from the USOC’s Operation Gold program, which gives bonuses
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RT @RaiSport: Enrico Cattaneo e Paola Celli ci presentano le gare del nuoto sincronizzato. #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016

Tweet from RaiSport

Enrico Cattaneo e Paola Celli ci presentano le gare del nuoto sincronizzato. #Rio2016 #RaiRio2016
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San Ponziano su

Ponziano, papa dal 230 al 235, e Ippolito, sacerdote, condannati dall'imperatore Massimino ai lavori forzati nelle miniere di Sardegna (235), vi morirono a causa dei maltrattamenti. La traslazione di Ponziano nella cripta dei Papi nel cimitero di Callisto e di Ippolito in quello sulla via Tiburtina a Roma il 13 agosto è attestata dalla 'Depositio Martyrum' (354). (Mess. Rom.)
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Simone Manuel's race delayed because the bus driver got lost: #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Simone Manuel's race delayed because the bus driver got lost

Simone Manuel’s encore performance to her 100-meter freestyle victory Thursday night was a fourth-place finish in her 50-meter freestyle semifinal, earning her a spot in the final on Saturday. The Olympic Aquatics Stadium is just about a half-mile away from the athletes village, but the confused bus
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RT @YSportsEvan: #BRA keeper Barbara was off the line on at least a couple of those PKs. No call. Hosts advance to semi's #Rio2016 https://…
Yahoo Sports

Tweet from Chris Hicks

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A-Rod doubles, takes final bows in emotional Yankees farewell
Yahoo Sports

A-Rod contributes double, takes final bows in emotional Yankees farewell

The final chapter of Alex Rodriguez’s New York Yankees career was officially written Friday night in front of a soldout crowd at Yankee Stadium. Rodriguez, who will now be released from his player’s contract, went out on the highest of highs given his unusual circumstances, contributing an RBI double
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Americans collectively struggling at the men's #Rio2016 golf tournament.
Yahoo Sports

Americans collectively struggling at the men's Olympic golf tournament

Rickie Fowler is in 50th place through two rounds in Rio. The United States is the only country participating in the men’s Olympic golf tournament with the maximum allotment of four players in the field. Matt Kuchar, who got in the field when Dustin Johnson and Jordan Spieth declined to compete in
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Bizarre rule allows Michael Phelps to market his brand while other Olympians can't

Bizarre rule allows Michael Phelps to market his brand while other Olympians can't

If you’ve watched any of the men’s swimming events at the Summer Olympics in Rio this week, you’ve likely noticed that Michael Phelps wears a swimming cap with a bold-type logo front and center that isn’t on any other swimmer’s cap: an MP, his initials. It is the logo of his own brand, licensed to the
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RT @YourManDevine: At @4thPlaceMedal: Serbia lost to the US, but Milos Teodosic made the pass of the Olympics. http…
Yahoo Sports

Serbia lost to the U.S., but Milos Teodosic made the pass of the Olympics

For years, Serbian point guard Milos Teodosic has had the reputation of being one of the best and most creative playmakers who wasn’t playing in the NBA. On Friday night, during Serbia’s marquee 2016 Summer Olympics matchup with the heavily favored United States, the 29-year-old passing wizard showed
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RT @YourManDevine: At @4thPlaceMedal: Serbia lost to the US, but Milos Teodosic made the pass of the Olympics. http…
Yahoo Sports


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Anthony Ervin, 35, wins 50-meter freestyle gold in stunning fashion: #RioOlympics2016
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Anthony Ervin, 35, wins 50-meter freestyle gold in stunning fashion

Anthony Ervin won his second gold in the 50-meter freestyle on Friday. Anthony Ervin, the oldest man to swim for the United States at the Olympics in more than a century, earned a gold medal in the Rio Games’ 50-meter freestyle race Friday night.
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Joseph Schooling’s Olympic gold comes with a $753,000 payday: #RioOlympics2016
Yahoo Sports

Joseph Schooling’s Olympic gold comes with a massive payout

After winning the 100-meter butterfly Friday night in Rio, Joseph Schooling will take home more than just an Olympic gold medal and the pride that comes with beating Michael Phelps. Schooling’s victory, the first-ever gold for Singapore, comes with a $753,000 pay-out from his country. Singapore’s gold-medal
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Katie Ledecky sets world record in 800 freestyle, wins fourth gold medal #RioOlympics2016
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Katie Ledecky sets world record in 800 freestyle, wins fourth gold medal

Katie Ledecky now has four gold medals. RIO DE JANEIRO – Katie Ledecky completed her Olympic freestyle tour de force Friday night with another annihilation of the field, and another world record in the 800-meter free. Ledecky, the defending champion in the event that first put her on international
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Michael Phelps' perfect #RioOlympics2016 run comes to an end with silver in 100 butterfly:
Yahoo Sports

Michael Phelps' perfect Rio run comes to an end with silver in 100 butterfly

Phelps finished in a three-way tie for silver. RIO DE JANEIRO — Michael Phelps’ perfect Rio Olympics came to an end Friday night. Phelps won silver in the 100-meter butterfly final, not capturing gold in it after three consecutive Olympic championships and not winning gold for the first time in Rio
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U.S. women's soccer eliminated from Olympics on penalty kicks via @YahooSports #RioOlympics2016

U.S. women's soccer eliminated from Olympics on penalty kicks

In perhaps the biggest upset of the Olympics so far, the United States women’s soccer team was eliminated by Sweden in the quarterfinals on Friday, undone in a penalty shootout. The U.S. women, who lifted last year’s Women’s World Cup, had never failed to reach the Olympic final in five prior editions
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Madison Keys will play for bronze after losing to Angelique Kerber #RioOlympic2016 #USA
Yahoo Sports

Madison Keys will play for bronze medal after losing to Angelique Kerber

Madison Keys will play the Czech Republic’s Petra Kvitova for the bronze medal. RIO DE JANEIRO — Moments after dumping a backhand into the net on match point Friday night, Madison Keys could contain her exasperation no longer. The 21-year-old American removed a ball from her pocket and slammed it as
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RT @YahooNews: Mother Nature douses A-Rod during ceremony before his last game as a Yankee

Mother Nature rains on A-Rod's parade before final game

Before taking the field for his New York Yankees swan song, Rodriguez was slated to be honored on the field in a pre-game ceremony that once seemed like a distant dream rather than a realistic possibility. Instead, the scene resembled a cinematic nightmare as ominous clouds slowly rolled over Yankee
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Poll: Americans name their favorite Olympian
Yahoo Sports

The most popular American Olympian of all-time is ...

Yahoo Sports asked 2,123 Americans to name their favorite U.S. Olympian of all time. The Olympians are ranked depending on how many times their names were mentioned. Did your favorite Olympian make the cut? (Captions by Tanner Walters, Yahoo Sports)
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RT @YahooBDL: Team USA Men's hoops squeaks out another close win, tops Serbia at the buzzer -
Yahoo Sports

Team USA Men's hoops squeaks out another close win, tops Serbia at the buzzer

Team USA started off the game against its no-defense, swell-shootin’ opponent from Serbia with a 9-0 run. Nearly enough for Team USA to lose its first game in Olympic play in a dozen years. Phoenix Suns draftee and potential future Sacramento King Bogdan Bogdanovic missed a three-pointer at the buzzer
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RT @YahooForde: Pre-swim reading: Pop-Duncan, Belichick-Brady ... Why Bowman-Phelps is an even greater coach-athlete combination https://t.…
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The complicated relationship that molded Michael Phelps into the greatest

The complicated relationship that molded Michael Phelps into the greatest

It was mid-May 2014, and Michael Phelps was out of retirement. Phelps finished ninth in the preliminaries, not even qualifying for the championship final. This is terrible,’ “ Phelps recalled here Thursday night.
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The SEC approves Maurice Smith's transfer from Alabama to Georgia.
Yahoo Sports

SEC approves Maurice Smith transfer to Georgia

The SEC said Friday it’s approving Maurice Smith’s transfer waiver. Because of an SEC rule, Smith had to get a waiver from the conference after he was released by Alabama. Smith’s transfer process from Alabama was a drawn-out and dramatic affair before the Tide released him from his scholarship Wednesday
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RT @YahooFinance: Don’t expect @Olympics specials from these bars and restaurants #Rio2016

Don’t expect Olympics specials from these bars and restaurants

Sports bars are called sports bars for a reason. The larger chains, including Buffalo Wild Wings (BWLD), Chili’s (EAT), Applebee’s (DIN), and Dave & Buster’s, are not offering Olympics-specific deals but will be playing the games at their locations. In a recent note to clients, Stifel said Buffalo
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Chi è bravo in matematica? Le performance degli italiani migliorano @24infodata

Chi è bravo in matematica? Le performance degli italiani migliorano - Info Data

Più di un ragazzo su quattro (il 28%) nell’Ocse ha forti carenze in almeno una delle competenze scolastiche di base. A pesare è soprattutto la matematica, con il 23% dei quindicenni (quasi 4 milioni) dei Paesi industrializzati in difficoltà con problemi elementari, ma le lacune sono ampie anche per il 18% dei ragazzi nella lettura …
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A-Rod's high school football days and other things you didn't know about him:
Yahoo Sports

A-Rod’s high-school football days and other things you don't know about him

It’s hard to imagine that there are things about Alex Rodriguez we don’t know. His entire adult life — since he was drafted No. 1 overall at 17 to his final game with the Yankees at 41 — has been on public display and, at times, mercilessly ripped apart by the tabloids.
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GOP's problem in key Senate races via @YahooNews

Down Ticket #2: Why a wishy-washy approach to Trump isn’t working in this year’s key Senate races

Down Ticket is Yahoo News’ complete guide to the most fascinating House, Senate and governors’ races of 2016. Call it the Trump Tightrope. Republicans who are not running for office this year have the luxury of rejecting their party’s controversial nominee outright.
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The gift Usain Bolt's parents want from their son:
Yahoo Sports

The gift Usain Bolt's parents want from their son

Each year on Father’s Day, Usain Bolt pays for his parents to stay at any posh hotel of their choice around the world. Wellesley Bolt is hoping for an extra gift from his son this weekend with Brazil’s Father’s Day falling on the same day as Olympic track and field’s showcase race. “Winning the 100
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#USWNT GK Hope Solo calls #SWE "cowards." #Rio2016
Yahoo Sports

Hope Solo calls Swedes 'cowards' but blame for Olympic exit falls on U.S.

The United States women’s national team had just been eliminated from the Rio Olympics prematurely — a 1-1 quarterfinal tie, eventually lost to Sweden on penalties — so it was time for another tirade by the Americans’ controversial goalkeeper. Full Hope Solo quote on Sweden after US was eliminated from
13/08/2016, ore 12.49, da

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