sabato 15 ottobre 2016

Varie di oggi, Sabato 15 Ottobre 2016, da Digg e StumbleUpon

15/10/2016, ore 13.00, da
15/10/2016, ore 12.58, da

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streethawk70Seregno @streethawk70

Aveva ragione lui: Ecco le parole di Craxi CENSURATE DA TUTTI I TG, Diffondete prima che sia troppo tardi! [VIDEO]

Nonostante tanti anni fa non vennero ne capite, ne considerate e vennero fortemente attaccate, ad oggi ci possiamo rendere conto che le parole dette da Craxi non erano complottiste ma la pura realtà dei fatti. Infatti ad anni di distanza le parole censurate da tutti i TG e su Youtube mettono in luce degli elementi...
Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Moto Gp Giappone, Valentino in pole davanti a Marquez e Lorenzo – (Griglia di partenza)
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Moto Gp Giappone, Valentino in pole davanti a Marquez e Lorenzo - (Griglia di partenza) - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Valentino Rossi conquista la pole position nel Gp del Giappone. Il campione della Yamaha a Motegi con il tempo di 1.43.954 ha preceduto la Honda di Marc Marquez con un ritardo di 0.180 e l’altra Yamaha di Jorge Lorenzo a +0.267. Quarto tempo per la Ducati di Andrea Dovizioso e quinto per Cal Crutchlow. Nella …
Image of Sherry Cortina
Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @Ginamzz: Can you really walk yourself fit with 10000 steps per day?
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Pat @PgGrilli
RT @xabax999: Il confine è male solo se è nazionale. Cialtroni schiavi dell'imperialismo yankee #fuckUE #fuckNATO

Tweet from Il Sofista

Schifano i confini italiani. Poi su ordine USA mandano 140 uomini contro Putin «a difendere i confini NATO». È la tragedia d'esser fantocci.
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @Ginamzz: Diet Cheesecakes Recipe
Sherry Cortina

Best Weight Loss Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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From Twitter @biografieonline
Lo vediamo su X-Factor e ascoltiamo le sue canzoni: oggi facciamo gli auguri a Fedez. Festeggerà il compleanno...

Fedez. La biografia.

Fedez, rapper e produttore discografico il cui vero nome è Federico Leonardo Lucia, nasce il 15 ottobre del 1989 a Milano. Cresciuto nell'hinterland meridionale del capoluogo meneghino, tra Rozzano e Corsico, si avvicina al mondo della musica sin da adolescente, prendendo parte a diverse competizioni di freestyle (disciplina della cultura hip hop, che consiste nel ''rappare'' usando rime,...
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Pat @PgGrilli
Continuano, imperterriti.

Tweet from Guy Verhofstadt

Only by tackling corruption, reforming the clientelist system and the public sector will #Greece be able to get back on the right track.
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore
A Milano circa 1.500 soci a inizio lavori

Banco-Bpm, a Verona e Milano si vota per la fusione. La diretta delle assemblee

In 45mila si sono prenotati per partecipare alle due assemblee che, a Rho e a Verona, voteranno la fusione tra la Popolare di Milano e il Banco. Difficile che si presentino tutti, ma l'affluenza sarà comunque elevatissima in una giornata storica per il sistema bancario: se passa il “sì” nascerà il terzo polo italiano (alle spalle di Intesa Sanpaolo e UniCredit) e prenderà forma la prima aggregazione post riforma delle popolari, se passa il “no” ci sarà da rivotare entro fine anno per la spa e si...
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @GraceAllenz: The Best Frosting Ever :The Pioneer Woman
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Yahoo @Yahoo
Chris Rock returns to stand-up in big deal with Netflix for 2 comedy specials

Chris Rock Returns To Stand-Up In Big Deal With Netflix For 2 Comedy Specials

One of the most popular standup comedians of the last two decades, Chris Rock, is returning to the stage for two new comedy specials at a new TV home. In an extremely competitive situation, the specials have landed at Netflix in a deal that sources peg to be in the neighborhood of $40 million, a record
Image of Svetlana Novojilova
Image of Svetlana Novojilova
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Svetlana Novojilova @Svetulja15
RT @LucioMalan: Russia. Governo fa ciò che il 29/6 si era impegnato a non fare
Svetlana Novojilova


“È difficile trovare le parole giuste per definire un Governo che, in una materia così importante come il dislocamento delle nostre truppe all’estero, fa esattamente l’opposto di quanto si è solennemente impegnato a fare davanti al Parlamento, rappresentante della sovranità del Popolo e unica fonte di legittimazione di un Esecutivo nato senza il voto dei…
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @GraceAllenz: ♠♠♠♠♠
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore
Legge di bilancio oggi alle 15 in Cdm. Spunta il decreto fiscale, stretta sul fondo sanità

Legge di bilancio oggi alle 15 in Cdm. Spunta il decreto fiscale, stretta sul fondo sanità

Sul tavolo del Governo oggi anche un provvedimento d'urgenza per dire addio a Equitalia e rottamare le cartelle di pagamento. In corso le ultime limature sul pacchetto sviluppo da 15 miliardi, il Fondo sanità aumenta di 1 miliardo in meno del previsto
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @LairKellylairss: Bradley Cooper. Yummy Yummy Yummy!
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Yahoo @Yahoo
Expert breaks down why Bob Dylan deserves the Nobel Prize for literature

Expert Breaks Down Why Bob Dylan Deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature

Bob Dylan has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. But should a songwriter really be eligible to win the Nobel Prize for literature? "I think Dylan has always been putting words out there, combining words and thoughts and images, telling stories and turning phrases in ways that will be read for a very long time," Gaines told ABC News.
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Pat @PgGrilli
La liberazione

Con la Nato e per la Nato: l’Italia in Afghanistan

Stare in Afghanistan per ridurre la minaccia del terrorismo per l’Italia è una giustificazione più aderente alla retorica che all’analisi politica. Il regime dei talebani e al-Qaida non rappresentavano minacce significative per l’Italia alla vigilia dell’11 settembre 2001. Dopo l’intervento internazionale a guida americana invece l’Afghanistan ha smesso di essere una minaccia alla sicurezza dei paesi occidentali per almeno due ragioni. In primo luogo, dall’inizio del 2002 il gruppo terroristico ...
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Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Dario Fo e Milano: il candidato sindaco che spaventava destra e sinistra. Quando Veltroni lo stoppò: “Non se ne...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dario Fo e Milano: il candidato sindaco che spaventava destra e sinistra. Quando Veltroni lo stoppò: "Non se ne parla" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dario Fo era in corsa come sindaco di Milano già nel 2001, ma a stoppare la sua candidatura per una sinistra unita ci si mise pure Walter Veltroni: “Ma stai scherzando? Non se ne parla nemmeno”, tagliò corto l’allora segretario nazionale dei Democratici di sinistra, antenati del Pd. Dall’altro capo del telefono Enrico Deaglio, che da direttore …
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Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Grecia, lo Stato vende 4 licenze tv per 250 milioni. Agli stessi oligarchi che il premier Tsipras prometteva di...
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Grecia, lo Stato vende 4 licenze tv per 250 milioni. Agli stessi oligarchi che il premier Tsipras prometteva di combattere - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dopo 27 anni di assegnazione discrezionale e clientelare da parte del Parlamento a pochi oligarchi, la Grecia si è dotata di una legge che stabilisce con un’asta chi acquista le frequenze televisive private. Ma se da un lato lo Stato incassa poco meno di 250 milioni di euro, una goccia nel mare di debiti ellenici, …
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Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Dario Fo, l’ultimo saluto di Milano: funerali laici in Piazza Duomo
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dario Fo, l'ultimo saluto di Milano: funerali laici in Piazza Duomo - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Milano dà l’addio a Dario Fo. E’ lutto cittadino in città, dove alle 12 si svolgerà la cerimonia laica per l’artista scomparso giovedì scorso all’età di 90 anni, nel giorno in cui assegnavano il premio Nobel per la Letteratura da lui vinto nel 1997. Alle 11 chiuderà la camera ardente allestita allo Strehler – lo stesso …
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Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Sperimentazione animale, “Italia troppo restrittiva. Rischio di un’ondata di cervelli in fuga”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Sperimentazione animale, "Italia troppo restrittiva. Rischio di un'ondata di cervelli in fuga" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

“Dal 2017 l’Italia rischia una nuova ondata di cervelli in fuga”. E non perché i finanziamenti sono scarsi, ma a causa della legge. A lanciare l’allarme è Giuliano Grignaschi, segretario generale di Research 4 Life, la piattaforma che unisce istituti scientifici, enti benefici come Telethon e associazioni di pazienti. L’occasione è un incontro che si è svolto …
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Pat @PgGrilli

Tweet from nero

nel nome della nato: la missione in afghanistan è la più impegnativa della storia italiana, serve a darci prestigio
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From Twitter @biografieonline
Tempo di Nobel Prize. Oggi ricordiamo quello alla pace di Mikhail Gorbachev #accaddeoggi : #15ottobre 1990 (26...

La Guerra Fredda (riassunto)

Il periodo storico della Guerra Fredda: riassunto dei fatti che portarono alla creazione dei due blocchi USA-URSS e al successivo disgelo.
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore
Tutto sui Nobel: i premi, le personalità e i numeri. Dal 1901 a oggi @24infodata

Tutto sui Nobel: i premi, le personalità e i numeri. Dal 1901 a oggi - Info Data

Il premio Nobel viene attribuito ogni anno a persone che si sono distinte in diversi campi per le loro ricerche, scoperte e invenzioni, per l’impegno in favore della pace e per l’opera letteraria. Si deve alle ultime volontà di Alfred Bernhard Nobel – chimico e industriale svedese, inventore della dinamite, che morì nel 1896 – …
Image of Sherry Cortina
Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @LairKellylairss: Rich Froning
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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HistoryIT @history_channel
Il leader sovietico viene premiato per i suoi sforzi nello smorzare la Guerra Fredda intervenendo contro la corsa a…

Tweet from HistoryIT

Il leader sovietico viene premiato per i suoi sforzi nello smorzare la Guerra Fredda intervenendo contro la corsa alle armi #SuccedeOggi
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @WeighLossDrinks: Sculpt your triceps for sexier arms! find more relevant stuff:
Sherry Cortina

Best Weight Loss Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Image of Viviana Argenton
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Viviana Argenton @ArgentonViviana
Loro vogliono fiorire nonostante tutto ...impariamo dalla natura che supera prove immani ma difficilmente si arren…
Viviana Argenton

Tweet from Viviana Argenton

Loro vogliono fiorire nonostante tutto ...impariamo dalla natura che supera prove immani ma difficilmente si arrende BUON SABATO A TUTTI
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From Twitter @biografieonline
#accaddeoggi : #15ottobre 1940 (76 anni fa) Esce nelle sale "Il grande dittatore", celeberrimo film di Charlie...

Il grande dittatore

Scheda del film ''Il grande dittatore'' di Charlie Chaplin. E' un film del 1940 con Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell e Billy Gilbert. Leggi sul sito la trama e tutte le frasi più belle del film.
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @WeighLossDrinks: Transform Your Body for Summer With the Rock Hard Challenge Training Plan
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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HistoryIT @history_channel
Il #15Ottobre 1923 nasce a Santiago de Las Vegas #ItaloCalvino, uno dei narratori italiani più importanti dell’ulti…

Tweet from HistoryIT

Il #15Ottobre 1923 nasce a Santiago de Las Vegas #ItaloCalvino, uno dei narratori italiani più importanti dell’ultimo secolo. #HistoryQuote
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Yahoo @Yahoo
Twins joined at head separated after 20-hour surgery

Twins Joined at Head Separated After 20-Hour Surgery

Jadon and Anias McDonald underwent a rare surgery at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City on Thursday that lasted more than 20 hours as doctors carefully separated the boys, according to the hospital's Facebook page. Anias is still being operated on, while his brother Jadon was sent into recovery a few hours ago, according to a Facebook post by the boys' mother, Nicole McDonald. "They're so perfect, they're beautiful little boys," Nicole McDonald told ABC's New York station WABC-TV.
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @VenusGifts: This is how you can cure plantar fasciitis in 1 week!
Sherry Cortina

Best Weight Loss Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @VenusGifts: Alex OLoughlin
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @Ginamzz: Top 12 Exercises For Thinner Thighs Eves Fitness
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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IlSole24ORE @sole24ore
L’assicuratore dell’autostrada danneggiata si rivale sull’automobilista e sulla sua compagnia…

Tweet from IlSole24ORE

L’assicuratore dell’autostrada danneggiata si rivale sull’automobilista e sulla sua compagnia
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Radio Deejay @radiodeejay
Ben svegliati! Inizia #zerbinator in diretta con @RudyZerbi Come avete dormito ? - bene ( retweet ) - male ( cuor…
Radio Deejay

Tweet from Radio Deejay

Ben svegliati! Inizia #zerbinator in diretta con @RudyZerbi Come avete dormito ? - bene ( retweet ) - male ( cuore )
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
The NHL season is not a week old yet but the Predators' dog might have already won fan of the year.…
Yahoo Sports

Tweet from Yahoo Sports

The NHL season is not a week old yet but the Predators' dog might have already won fan of the year.
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Lindor's two-run homer was the only offense the Indians needed to take the ALCS opener from the Blue Jays.
Yahoo Sports

ALCS Game 1: Indians take opener behind Francisco Lindor's home run

Francisco Lindor celebrates his two-run home run with Jason Kipnis during ALCS Game 1. The Cleveland Indians struck first in the American League Championship Series, winning the series opener 2-0 over the Toronto Blue Jays at Progressive Field. Francisco Lindor provided it, launching a two-run homer
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
At last, J.R. Smith can put a Cavs shirt back on.
Yahoo Sports

J.R. Smith and the Cavs finally agreed to a new long-term contract

At last, J.R. Smith can put a Cavs shirt back on. There was never really any doubt that J.R. Smith would come back to the Cleveland Cavaliers for the 2016-17 season, but the unrestricted free agent’s continued lack of a contract still had the potential to create issues for the NBA’s defending champions
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Yahoo @Yahoo
The Committee to Protect Journalists brands Trump an ‘unprecedented threat’ to press freedom via @YahooNews

Committee to Protect Journalists brands Trump an ‘unprecedented threat’ to press freedom

The independent nonprofit, which defends the rights of journalists, acknowledged that its denunciation was “an unprecedented step” and that it was sparked by the billionaire mogul’s threats against journalists and vilification of the media. Sandra Mims Rowe, the chairman of CPJ’s board, said in a statement
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Yahoo @Yahoo
RT @YahooFinance: 5 apartment hunting tips that’ll save you a whole lot of headaches

5 apartment hunting tips that’ll save you a whole lot of headaches

No matter your age, going out on your own to rent your first apartment is a major step. If you’ve never done it before, how do you know what to look for? It may come as a surprise, but there are tons of things to consider other than the usual question of “do I have enough space?”
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Can foot cream cause a failed UFC drug test? Brock Lesnar's lawyer thinks it could have.
Yahoo Sports

Brock Lesnar's attorney blames foot cream, eye medication for failed UFC 200 drug test

Could foot cream and eye medication be the source of Brock Lesnar’s failed UFC 200 drug test? The reason for Brock Lesnar’s failed UFC 200 drug test is still a point of contention according to an anti-doping attorney who represents the former UFC heavyweight champion. After initially suggesting that
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Report: J.R. Smith, Cavaliers agree on a four-year, $57 million deal.
Yahoo Sports

Tweet from Bobby Marks

$128m, $132m, $123m- Cavaliers projected payroll the next 3 seasons. Total salaries per year likely higher than the Cleveland Indians.
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Yahoo @Yahoo
Judge leaves bench to tackle defendant

Video Shows Judge Remove Robe, Leave Bench to Tackle Unruly Defendant in Court

A Michigan judge who threw off his robe, came down from the bench and helped subdue an unruly defendant scuffling with an officer in his courtroom. "I would hope any other judge would say, if my court officer is in trouble, I am going to go down there and do what I can," Jackson County Circuit Court Judge John McBain said in an interview yesterday, adding that this was the first time he's had to do that in court. "I told you, just leave her alone ... she clearly has no interest in seeing you," M...
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
"His presence here [Arizona Fall league] is a farce." - ESPN scout on Tim Tebow
Yahoo Sports

ESPN scout: There’s absolutely no baseball justification for Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow hasn’t yet mustered a hit in the Arizona Fall League, where this week he started the second step in his attempt at a baseball career in the New York Mets farm system. Tebow’s baseball turn got ripped apart by ESPN’s lead scout Keith Law, who called the entire thing a “farce” and wrote that
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Week 6 fantasy busts: Find out from @YahooFantasy which highly rated players will struggle this week.
Yahoo Sports

Week 6 Fantasy Lames: Zeke Elliott to take path of most resistance

To qualify, each player must be started in at least 50 percent of Yahoo leagues. On pace for an insane 65 sacks, Luck has morphed into a modern day David Carr. The ceaseless duress he’s been placed under working behind the league’s second-worst offensive line has pushed Luck outside the position’s
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Yahoo @Yahoo
More stores plan to close on Thanksgiving

Some Retailers and Malls Plan to Close on Thanksgiving to Save Black Friday

It turns out that opening stores on Thanksgiving Day wasn’t just bad for family dinners. A growing number of retailers and shopping malls are reversing course, including mall operator CBL & Associates Properties Inc., the Mall of America, electronics chain Hhgregg Inc. and Office Depot Inc., all of
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg believes that her criticism was too harsh on Colin Kaepernick.
Yahoo Sports

Ruth Bader Ginsburg backtracks on Colin Kaepernick criticism, says it was inappropriate

It seemed a little odd that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so strongly criticized the national-anthem protest of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. With some time to think about it, Ginsburg wasn’t happy with her answer to Yahoo’s Katie Couric either.
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Pat @PgGrilli

Tweet from Pat

Maria Antonietta Violante e sua signoria Eugenio, dalla carrozza. #Palombi, come sempre geniale
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
In Edicola sul Fatto Quotidiano del 15 ottobre: Farmaci più costosi del 1500% per vecchi e bimbi col cancro
Il Fatto Quotidiano

In Edicola sul Fatto Quotidiano del 15 ottobre: Farmaci più costosi del 1500% per vecchi e bimbi col cancro - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Farmaci più costosi del 1500% per vecchi e bimbi col cancro. L’antitrust maxi-multa per la “Aspen Pharma”, scandalo in tutta Europa
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Yahoo @Yahoo
#FantasticBeasts expanding from trilogy to 5 films

'Fantastic Beasts' to Be Five-Film Franchise

Harry Potter creator and Fantastic Beasts screenwriter J.K. Rowling made a surprise announcement at a fan event Thursday, saying she had finished a plot for five films in the Fantastic Beast franchise. It had previously been said the series would be just a trilogy. The announcement was made during a
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Yahoo Sports @YahooSports
Carmelo Anthony wants Derrick Rose's rape trial to conclude so he doesn't miss out on team chemistry.
Yahoo Sports

Carmelo Anthony would like Derrick Rose to 'hurry up back' from his civil rape trial

Former NBA MVP Derrick Rose arrives at court to face his accuser in an alleged gang-rape trial. New York Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek admitted earlier this week that Derrick Rose’s absence for the remainder of his civil rape trial has forced the team to “stall a little bit” before installing the offense
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Radio Deejay @radiodeejay
Inizia il venerdì sera targato Deejay con @frankdj e @sarahjanedeejay in #GenteDellaNotte! Raccontateci la vostra n…
Radio Deejay

Tweet from Radio Deejay

Inizia il venerdì sera targato Deejay con @frankdj e @sarahjanedeejay in #GenteDellaNotte! Raccontateci la vostra notte!
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Image of Birra Artigianale
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Birra Artigianale @birraartigiana
#BirraArtigianale Accidental Jedi del birrificio Edge: Tra le proprie referenze più rappresentative, i... #Birra
Birra Artigianale

Accidental Jedi del birrificio Edge

Tra le proprie referenze più rappresentative, il marchio catalano Edge Brewing (barcellonese per ubicazione, ma con due americani della Florida sul ponte d
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Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @GraceAllenz: Amazing food recipes and Latest weightloss methods only in my website.
Sherry Cortina

Best Weight Loss Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @GraceAllenz: 7 Days Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Diet To Lose 10 Pounds Day
Sherry Cortina

Best Weight Loss Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
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Yahoo @Yahoo
RT @YahooFinance: LIVE NOW: Stocks recover as banks report, Yellen speaks - We break it all down, Watch t.c

Stocks recover as banks report, Yellen speaks

After a rough week, stocks getting a little pop today as the Fed’s Janet Yellen hints low rates may be around for awhile. Catch The Final Round at 4p ET with Jen Rogers, Andy Serwer, Nicole Sinclair, and Mark Spellman of Alpine Funds. Sam Adams brewer Boston Beer slipping on a Berenberg downgrade citing
Image of Sherry Cortina
Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @LairKellylairss: ♨♨♨♨ Street Workout ( Calisthenics )
Sherry Cortina

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The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
Image of Tg La7
Image of Tg La7
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Tg La7 @TgLa7
Il sommerso vale 211 miliardi, il 13% del Pil
Tg La7

Il sommerso vale 211 miliardi, il 13% del Pil

Attività illegali come droga, prostituzione, contrabbando generano un giro d'affari di 17 miliardi, mentre il resto è l'insieme di lavoro nero, con 3,7 milioni di posti irregolari, affitti non dichiarati, mance
Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
Image of Il Fatto Quotidiano
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Il Fatto Quotidiano @fattoquotidiano
Fabrizio Corona arrestato, “scarceratemi, ho ammesso i soldi in nero”
Il Fatto Quotidiano

Fabrizio Corona arrestato, "scarceratemi, ho ammesso i soldi in nero" - Il Fatto Quotidiano

Dopo l’interrogatorio di ieri Fabrizio Corona, attraverso i suoi legali, gli avvocati Ivano Chiesa e Antonella Calcaterra, ha chiesto la scarcerazione al gip di Milano Paolo Guidi che ha emesso l’ordinanza di custodia cautelare che lunedì scorso ha fatto tornare l’ex re dei paparazzi a San Vittore con l’accusa di intestazione fittizia di beni. Secondo la …
Image of Sherry Cortina
Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @LairKellylairss: I need to eat the things on this list more often
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
Image of Tg La7
Image of Tg La7
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Tg La7 @TgLa7
Il governo completa il piano Ape. ma la Cgil protesta
Tg La7

Il governo completa il piano Ape. ma la Cgil protesta

Dal primo maggio del 2017 potranno lasciare il lavoro a 63 anni e costo zero coloro che avranno un assegno previdenziale inferiore ai 1350 euro lordi, che svolgono lavori usuranti e che hanno versato almeno 35 anni di contrinuti, 30 per i disoccupati
Image of Tg La7
Image of Tg La7
From Twitter
Tg La7 @TgLa7
Protestano M5s, Fi, Lega e pure Enrico Letta. Un composito fronte contro l'ostilità a Putin
Tg La7

Protestano M5s, Fi, Lega e pure Enrico Letta. Un composito fronte contro l'ostilità a Putin

Grillo attacca: vogliono schierare i nostri uomini per provocare i russi e trascinarci in guerra, Putin è un partner essenziale e non un nemico. Gli fa eco Matteo Salvini che parla di follia anti russa. Critico anche l'ex premier Letta
Image of Sherry Cortina
Image of Sherry Cortina
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Sherry Cortina @CortinaSherry
RT @WeighLossDrinks: 8 Unusual Arm Exercises You Have To Try!
Sherry Cortina

Best Fitness Tips

The Stunning Truth and Scientific Fact on Fat Loss! Insider health tips! Little-known ways to lose weight once and for all! The best diet report on disease prevention and minimizing the risk of weight gain & heart disease! How to lose at least 10 pounds and get that bikini body!
Image of Yahoo
Image of Yahoo
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Yahoo @Yahoo
RT @YahooTV: .@HillaryClinton and #KenBone have a #DebateDanceOff courtesy of @TheEllenShow:

Hillary Clinton and Ken Bone Have a Debate Dance-Off on ‘Ellen’

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton stopped by Ellen on Friday where host Ellen DeGeneres showed the candidate what let Sunday’s presidential debate could have been, and maybe should have been. DeGeneres showed Clinton a clip from the debate that started normal, with Clinton about the importance
Image of Carmen Cri
Image of Carmen Cri
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Carmen Cri @carmenFashionCr
Viaggio a Palau (Sardegna): cose da vedere e tips varie
Carmen Cri

Viaggio a Palau (Sardegna): cose da vedere e tips varie

Avevo scelto Palau (Sardegna) come meta di uno dei miei viaggi o almeno come punto di partenza per una viaggio nel nord della Sardegna. Che dire: è stata un’ottima scelta, ed una piacevole sorpresa il viaggio in nave! Le attività da poter svolgere sono davvero tante: oltre a fare il bagno nelle bellissime spiagge di Palau, sono da visitare le Tombe dei Giganti in zona Li Mizzani e quelle di Sajacciu, a pochi passi da li c’è la chiesa campestre di San Giorgio. Pare che questo luogo emani energie ...